Expert Testimony

What is expert psychological testimony?

Psychologists serve as expert witnesses by testifying about a range of clinical, cognitive, developmental, behavioral, and social psychological topics. More specifically, expert witnesses testify about issues such as abnormal behavior, diagnostic issues, competency and criminal responsibility matters, and risk of reoffending.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors are important when selecting an expert witness?

An expert witness maintains the critical responsibility of conveying psychological knowledge to the court. Expert witnesses strive to communicate specific information and opinions within a reasonable degree of clinical certainty. Effective expert witnesses adhere to the strictest ethical guidelines and commit to offering unbiased recommendations based on specialized knowledge and a thorough review of the facts presented. Expert witnesses communicate opinions clearly in accordance with applied standards for admissibility of psychological evidence. Dr. Salema recognizes the amount of time and preparation required in advance of testimony, and will work collaboratively with attorneys and consultants to maximize the effectiveness of the information delivered to the court.

What are the ethical considerations pertaining to expert testimony?

Unlike many traditional interactions between mental health providers and clients, forensic evaluations are not typically confidential. It is imperative that all parties involved in the evaluation process, to include the client, attorney, and forensic experts, have a clear understanding how information will be used, who will have access to the information, and the potential implications of the information provided. Additionally, expert witnesses testify only to information within the scope of their expertise. Offering opinions on matters outside one’s training or experience is not only unethical, but can have damaging effects on the legal issue at hand.
